Before enjoying the slideshow please meet our mascot, "Bootcamp Lady"!
Bootcamp Lady was born and raised at Karen Hill's house in Wetumpka. She has never missed a Bootcamp meeting and she is always updating her wardrobe as the Holy Spirit provides. She is a faceless, nameless, true warrior for the Kingdom of God. You'll never see her without her weapons. She knows who she is, she knows where she lives, she knows what she has, and she knows what to do! She never gives the enemy a foothold because she knows his schemes. She seeks first His Kingdom and His righteousness. She's been in some battles in her day and they have made her stronger in faith. She has learned obedience by what she has suffered. She knows that the way up is down. She stands tall and strong and is totally dependent upon her heavenly Father for her marching orders, no matter what. Bootcamp Lady never fears the future because she know Who holds it and her. She is "ALL-IN" with JESUS- The One and Only One to be all-in with. What a mascot we have in Bootcamp Lady! Thank you for sharing her with us Karen. We love you both!!!